The Benefits of Investing in Indoor Air Quality


Indoor air quality is simply the condition of air within a structure. Poor indoor air quality can be a contributor to health issues-ranging from the minor annoyance of allergic reactions and respiratory irritation to that overall tired feeling. Since people spend a lot of time indoors, and a considerable amount of time inside the four walls of your homes, this will become an issue of paramount importance that the air one breathes must be clean and healthy. Fortunately, some simple tips on house renovation may help you a lot in radically improving the indoor quality of air and making your house a much healthier place for staying – both for you and your family.

Replace the Air Filters Regularly

One of the easiest and most effective ways to purify the indoor air is by changing the air filters in your HVAC. For example, air filters catch dust, pollen, and pet dander, among other particles in the air that flow into your house. These block after some time and lose efficiency, therefore enabling a number of contaminants to build up in the air.

Generally speaking, it would be a good practice to check your air filters every month and replace them every three months and more often in places having pets or highly dusty areas. You can also take advantage of the HEPA filters for better protection against pollutants since these are designed to catch much smaller particles.


Generally speaking, ventilation holds the key to indoor air quality. Poor stagnation of air can allow an increase in unwanted pollutants and moisture that may be associated with odors. In improving ventilation, opening windows and doors when possible is a way to let fresh air in. This is very important in the case of cooking, cleaning, or using any product with VOCs, such as paints or cleaning supplies.

An exhaust fan can be a great tool to pull out extra moisture and contaminants in a kitchen, bathroom, or room that doesn’t have good natural ventilation. This can prevent mold from growing, as well as allow fresh air into your home. Other air purifiers may also have built-in fans, circulating room air for filtration when natural ventilation is at a premium.

Control the Humidity Level

High humidity can breed mold and dust mites, among other allergens, that can be pretty bad news for indoor air quality. When thinking about indoor humidity, the levels should optimally range between 30% to 50%.

A dehumidifier is useful for humidity control in the most humid regions of the house such as the basement, bathroom, and kitchen. In order to avoid further accumulation of moisture inside the house, correct leaks in plumbing and roofing. Also lessen the number of moisture-producing activities like showering or cooking by making full use of the use of exhaust fans or opened windows for dispersion of the humidity.

Select Products with Low VOC

More precisely, many of the widely used chemical household items, such as paints and varnishes or cleaning agents, have been identified as the so-called sources of volatile organic compounds seriously deteriorating indoor air quality. The use of such chemicals can give a person headaches, dizziness, or even respiratory problems both in the short and long run.


In renovating one’s home or even in buying household products, it is always better to look for those with low-VOCs or no VOCs at all. Fortunately, most brands these days try to cater to this need by providing paints, finishes, and cleaners that minimize the amount of VOCs released into the air. Let storage sites be well-ventilated and away from living quarters, thus reducing opportunities for exposure.

Add Indoor Plants

These plants contribute so much to the beauty of looking at your house and can even participate in the cleaning of air inside your house. Spider plants, snake plants, and peace lilies can filter formaldehyde, benzene, and xylene toxins in the air.

While they will not completely purify the air, they add help to other means of improving air quality. Remember, too, that mold thrives in overwatered plants-so take proper care of them so you are not adding more pollutants into your home than you are taking out.

Make Use of Smart Home Technology

Smart home technology offers a modern approach to improving indoor air quality. With the addition of air quality sensors, smart thermostats and air purifiers go the extra mile by automatically adjusting their settings to optimize the air. For example, your smart air purifier would instantly flick itself on after it detects raised levels of pollutants, cleaning the air even before you have a problem.

Smart humidifiers and dehumidifiers are able to detect humidity levels and automatically make adjustments as needed so the humidity is at a healthy balance. Connect smart systems throughout your home for an even more efficient, responsive environment that actively pursues improving the quality of the air you breathe.

Clean Your Home

Good indoor air quality relies on regular cleaning. Poor air quality can be encouraged by dust, pet dander, and other allergens that might build up on the surfaces of things in homes besides carpets and upholstery. It is hence important to note that vacuuming should be carried out at least once a week using a vacuum fitted with a HEPA filter, which would reduce particles.


Along with the vacuuming, the allergens can also be reduced by dusting the surfaces with a wet cloth and washing the bedding and curtains quite frequently. Avoid the overuse of cleaning products since most of those contain strong chemicals which further add to indoor air pollution. One can use natural or environmentally-friendly cleaning products whenever possible since these are less likely to off-gas toxic fumes.

Air Quality Check

Finally, observing air quality in the house is an essential approach to observing whether the efforts have actual realizations. Indoor air quality monitors that can detect particulate matter commonly prevalent along with other pollutants as VOCs and levels of carbon dioxide are available. The same will, in turn, involve frequent checks on the air to identify the source of the problem and take corrective action against the same before they become grave.


It doesn’t have to be such an overwhelming process to improve indoor air quality. It is pretty straightforward: regular replacement of air filters, increase in ventilation, keeping humidity at a distance, opting for low-VOC products, adding greenery within your house, keeping things clean, and testing the air quality will help you set up a healthy environment for you and your family. These are but the minutest home-improvement tips that shall make all the difference in the air that one breathes, all adding up to great health and well-being for all family members.